Friday, November 11, 2011


Our man of God started the day by continuing in the revelation that we exist to work for the lord and everything else is a distraction mentioning that we should make a habit of going to church and attending all church activities. He also told us that the bible says Jesus went to the synagogue as his custom was i.e. his habit. And as Jesus Christ is the example of the exemplary life we are trying to achieve we must also imbibe this habit.

Our primary focus in the first service of the second day was Matthew 9:37-38 - Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; [38] Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.Emphasis was placed on three things in particular. 

First is that he did not say the followers are few or that the members are few clearly differentiating between followers and labourers which are the workers in the church.  Secondly our man of God clearly pointed out to us that we are the labourer or workers the super church has been praying for and we should heed to this call willingly and lastly we are told that we should pray to the lord of harvest to send forth or thrust labourers into the church.

As we are the labourers the church is asking for, we are told we should make sure we begin our labour voluntarily because if God has to force us into it we would not like it because it would virtually disrupt our lives as he did in the case of Jonah.  I personally thank God for this new revelation because the first time I read this part of the scripture my understanding was that if God (the lord of the harvest) sends for labourers into the harvest instead of using me I would lose my reward and the fact that to find a replacement for me would not be as difficult as I think it is because even in the bible we are told that after Judas committed suicide the other disciples had to draw lots to determine who would replace him because there were two people already ready to take his place.  Now I also have another revelation on the same scripture provided by our man of God telling us that we are already here in The Super Church and are too assume our places as workers if not our lives would be disrupted to a level such that we would have to choice but to take our place as happened to Jonah. He also made us realize this is not the best approach and as such to prevent trying times which would seem like there is no end in sight we should voluntarily submit ourselves to the lord.

So having now discovered that we are the labourers the church is looking for and having now decided to voluntarily submit ourselves to be used by the lord and the church. The next thing we need to know is what is expected of us as labourers in the church.

Our man of God gave us three of five clear criteria of what is expected of labourers for the work of God.

1. Labour In Prayer – Citing Colossian 4:12 we are told that fervent prayer i.e. prayer with passion is one of the most important thing expected from a labourer. That we may stand complete and perfect in him,

     Also we are told that it is not only important to pray for souls to be saved but also for them to grow.

2.  Labouring in Evangelism – this refers to personal evangelism. Stepping our personally to win souls for Christ. Our man of god gave the example of Jesus Christ himself also doing personal evangelism. This goes hand in hand with intercessory prayers because as the word says the harvest is plenteous and prayer and evangelism are the key tools to help with this harvest.

3.  Labour In Word And Doctrine – This is basically the training of the members. The first two criteria mentioned are basically centred on wining souls for Christ while this last criterion is to help the members we have won for Christ to grow.

    1 Timothy 5:17-18 was cited where we are told that leaders the elders that rule deserve a double honor especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.

     We were also clearly told that at this stage in our Christian life we should be teachers and not still being taught. That we should be taking the meat of the word and not the milk because as we continually teach our ability to discern between good and evil increases.

      In the final service of the second day of the leader’s conference our man of God ended the day by giving us a clear example of labourers in the work of God. Aquila and Priscilla – a husband and wife who exemplified all the qualities of labourers for Christ.  Our man of God clearly stated that we should adopt their life style and approach to the word of God.

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