Friday, November 11, 2011


If I tell you a huge riddle was solved for us on day 1 of the leader’s conference I won’t be far from the truth.  The question as to the reason why man exists has puzzled the human race for years as many have gone to their graves and many would still go to their graves without ever having found out the reason for their existence.  Still more people have propounded various theories in attempt to explain the reason for our existence and fortunately for us the answer to the question was provided for us at the onset of the leaders conference free of charge.

Thank God for our man of God who blessed us with the answer to the question as seen in Ephesians 4:11 and 12 where we are told that we are given the gift of apostles to some, prophets to some, evangelists to yet another group and finally teachers and pastors to others to perfect us for the ministry of edifying the body of Christ. 

Our man of God, Reverend Walter went further to give us examples showing that things we may see as logical and reasonable situations that may deter us from doing the work for which we have been commissioned are nothing but distractions as such we should shy away from them keeping in mind that if we first seek the kingdom of God all the rest would be added, as such our lives should revolve around the church and not the church revolving around our lives.

I mentioned earlier that many have lived their entire lives without any knowledge of the reason for their existence and many with still do so if we do nothing about this. We are told in 2 Cor. 5:18 that we have been given the ministry of reconciliation whereby we have been commissioned to reconcile other souls to Christ as he has reconciled himself to us. I.e. we are made to win souls for Christ. So we first have a responsibility to be born again and then to win others to Christ.

This takes us to what was learnt in the second half of the day which centred on salvation and Rewards. We were shown through Romans 1:16-17 and Ephesians 2:8-9 that salvation is free. We did not do anything to deserve it and we cannot do anything to deserve it.

Salvation we are told is a gift from God by giving us his only begotten son that whosoever (which means me and you) believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. So once we are born again we are assured of making heaven.  At this point most would wonder if salvation alone is enough to ensure we make heaven. The answer to this question is a resounding yes. With salvation alone we can make heaven. The question then is - if salvation is enough to allow us make heaven why then do we have to do more?
Though salvation is free we need to do more because of the rewards both in this life and the next are earned. The issue then is how much reward we get, as some would get to heaven but not receive any reward because they did not do anything to deserve rewards or were seen to do things but the intentions behind the actions were wrong.  When you are saved you must qualify for what the bible refers to as crowns. There are two types of reward. The ones we get here and the ones we get in heaven all of which are subject to how diligently we obey the word of God and do what he says because we can have anything we want in this life if we follow the specific rules we need to. For instance with regards to prosperity it is clear that the key  is tithe and offering. When you seek God diligently he would reward you.

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