Thursday, December 19, 2013


The bible tells us that the unbelievers i.e. those who have not received Jesus Christ into their lives are wiser than believer in that they know and apply the principles of the world better than many believers apply the kingdom principles.(Luke 16:8b) But i make bold to say some even apply the kingdom principles better than many that are believers.  There is no successful business or motivational principle in the world today that cannot be traced back to the bible. As we know the devil is the ruler of this world and all the techniques and strategies he knows he copied from God. 

I have repeatedly mentioned the fact that while attending business seminars during my postgraduate studies in Malaysia there was a recurring philosophy with regards to wealth creation and that was giving. They claimed if you give the universe would reward you. This is just a variation of Luke 6:38 which say give and it would be given unto you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Have you ever wondered why some of the richest people in the world and the biggest philanthropists support the most charities? Many might argue that it is because they have that is why they give but i beg to differ. It is because they give that is why they have and the more the more they give the more they would have.  It is that simple and this is not because of their wisdom but it is because systems have been put into place by the Lord and whosoever applies them would benefit from it. It is a shame though that it seems the people actually benefiting from it are not the people it is meant for.

Another good example is the mantra of almost all motivational speakers ranging from Jim Rohn to Zig Ziglar to the more recent Les Brown to Anthony Robbins  which is “you become what you think about most of the time or what you think, you are”. This again is not new as the bible had told us this Proverbs 23:7 – For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

An extremely successful business principle that has been seen as the sole determining factor as to whether that business or business man succeeds or not is goal setting which is not just the act of choosing or setting a goal but encompasses a lot more.  For us as believers we know this has having expectations. As with goal setting, determining the expectation is just the one step and not even the first.  As we go on we would look at a practical approach to making use of this tool to ensure all our expectations come to pass.

Each of us should have a personal mission and vision which should complement that of The Super Church. The reason why many believers do not function as optimally as they ought to is the fact that 90% of them are not even clear about where they are going, what their mission is and what their vision is.  We are told in Proverbs 29:18 that where there is no vision, the people perish another translation says without a vision the people run naked. Vision is extremely important in giving our lives direction and not just any vision but that according the Lord’s plan for us.  This can be likened to blind folding yourself and using a bow and arrow to shoot out arrows with expectation of meeting your target. First you have no idea where the target is or if there is a target,  if there is one you have no idea if you are hitting it or not or if you need to adjust or re-evaluate your strategy and aim and finally even if you finally hit the target you do not know. |In this case all your energy is useless. Without an expectation or your goal you may fast continuously, pray without ceasing etc. but all these would just be an effort in futility as you would be moved to and fro by every suggestion you hear.

We would therefore discuss the importance of expectations and how to make the best use of them in 5 simple steps.

 Determine your goals or expectations
2.      Write them down
3.      Create an action plan
4.      Implement the action plan
5.      Constantly monitor and evaluate your plan

The mission and vision many times being abstract to an extent (i.e. not being able to be measured directly) makes it important for goals to be set. Goals are described as observable and measurable end results having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed time frame. This is the only way to determine objectively if you are living up to your mission and moving towards your vision.
We have to note that God needs our expectations. We see in Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end. So you must have an expectation for your life. You have got to expect something of God. You have got to have concrete expectations.

Our expectations have everything to do with the manifestation we see in our lives. Because the word says an expected end, an anticipated ends. Let’s also look at Proverbs 23:18 -For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off. What this leads me to believe is that the fact that there is an end is not up for discussion.  You cannot expect forever there must be an end. And at that end the expectation shall not be cut off. In reality at the end people may not see what they want but that is because honestly they were not expecting to see it and since their expectation was not to see it. That is what manifested in their lives.

There is a difference between saying you are expecting with your mouth and not feeling it in your heart. The end would come but what you see is what you were actually expecting in your heart. This can also be seen in the case of Job where he was giving sacrifices and all. On the outside it may have seemed that his expectations were righteous and in line with what God wanted for him but at the end of the day the true expectations were revealed when he uttered the words what I greatly feared has come upon me.  Your ceiling in life is not dependent on God but your ability to collect which is determined by your expectation.

We have discussed the importance of expectations and the fact that they have to be observable and measurable end results having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed time frame. Having these expectations is not enough we have to make sure we write them down. It is extremely important we write these things down. Many of us might say we have it in our head. NO SIR. We must learn to write it. Writing has a way of clarifying our needs.

For instance in business it has been shown that businesses that have a clearly written business plan succeed up to ten times more than those that venture into business with no plan at all. Out of these those that actually continually look at the plan do much better than those than just write and never look at it again. This shows that just writing it down once and having a clearer picture, even if you never look at it again you are still far better than those that didn’t write it at all but still those that write it down and constantly look at it are even much more successful.

The bible also tells us this in Habakkuk to write the vision down and make it plain that he that readeth it might run with it.  So take out a sheet of paper and write down: my expectations for 2014 (or whatever the case may be) – Then you settle down and crystallize your thought.

Is it important? is it necessary ? YES.  Because God doesn’t work without them if there are no expectations there is nothing God can do. And even if something happens you won’t know if it’s God that did it or you. So where is God in the picture?  He wants us to expect not just things but big things. Our man of God Reverend Walter told us a saying: He says if it’s too good to be true and too big to be me it’s got to be God. And God has shown himself time and time again that he is able and willing to exceed our expectations but we first have to have expectations.

Many of us are side-tracked by the word expectation which our man of God describes as looking out for with an outstretched neck and fail to understand that though we have these expectations and understand that the way it would happen should not concern, there are still things we have to do to ensure they come to pass. For instance we believe for finances, where the finances would come from and how it would come is not our business but our role is to apply the kingdom principles with regards to prosperity i.e. first fruit, tithing, offering and giving to ensure this expectation of finance comes to pass. The lord has put systems in place, laws that cannot be broken for us to use and he would not bypass these laws for anybody.  If our expectation are an improved spiritual life and increased intimacy with God then we owe it to him to do what the bible tells us to do. We are told in Jude 20 to build up our most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost. We have been told what to do and not just believe that because we have expectations it should come to pass.

As we put in place our goal/expectations for 2014 and decide on the corresponding action we need to take. We should go about creating an action plan according to the word of God corresponding with our various expectations. As we have read and have been taught there are various confessions and actions required at different times. As such we need to ensure we are doing the right things at the right time for the right reasons. Once this has been done we need to ensure we actually do these things.

Many times the years go by and people keep on wondering why their expectations have not been met. They took the first two steps i.e. they had expectations and wrote them down but they had no action plan and even those that had plans did not implement them. They were expecting wealth but they never tithe or tithe occasionally, they do not give and they sow no seeds and are still expecting their expectations of wealth to come to pass. The bible tells us God cannot be mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that and that only shall he reap.

As noted setting goals or having expectations are not enough but the actions must be tied to these goals and must be broken down and concrete activities.  These activities are to be broken down into daily, weekly, monthly and annual plans that can be evaluated and success monitored. 

Finally you need to constantly look back on your activities at designated periods and determine if your expectations have been met, if you have been keeping to your action plan and determine if in the course of time you have received new revelation or activities that could be added to your actions plan to make it more effective. For instance a few years ago Reverend introduced the Isaac offering in camp meeting. In such a case at the beginning of the year probably that was not in your plan but then you go back re-evaluate your plan and at that to it.

This is a very important activity at the end of the year to help you review the preceding year to look back at the activities your took where you succeeded your improve upon and where you fell short of the target you look out for possible reasons why it was so an rectify it to prevent a repeat of what happens. There is a saying that goings doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Setting goals or having expectations are extremely extremely important and should not be over looked in any way because it would make all the difference between a successful spirit filled year and a year devoid of in this case NEW REALMS OF GLORY.

Please ensure you listen to the C.D by Reverend Walter on how to end your year and make sure you sit back and review the year 2013 and pen down your expectations for 2014. The Lord is with you as you do so as i join my faith to yours to ensure every single thing on your list becomes a reality in the year 2014.
Glory be to God.

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