Friday, October 5, 2012


 Let’s face it, as believers everything we do is for two main reasons:

·         To please God by doing what he says and helping to spread the word

·         To benefit from the blessing of being born again and to live the life we were meant to live 

Matt 9:37-38 says - Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. This lets us know that the issue of not enough workers in the church is not a new thing and dates back to when Christ still walked this earth. It further tells us what to do i.e. to pray therefore to the lord of harvest that he will send forth labourers to his harvest.

The super church has been continually praying for more labourers, more workers in the church and believe it or not we are these workers we have been praying for. All we have to do is to take our rightful place as leaders in the church. I know many of us cannot picture ourselves as leaders. I myself if I had been told a few years ago that I would be active in the church not to mention being a leader I would have laughed. But here I am. Believe me if I can make it everyone can.We know it is not by our strength that we would accomplish this because if we knew how to or what to do we would have already done it by now.

The way to take the bold first step is to make sure we are at the leader’s conference, listen attentively and make sure we begin to practice everything we learn

Hebrews 5:11-14 says - Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The question then is how does the above apply to us?

This tells us there is a lot more God has in store for us but as he says we if we are still spiritual babes still taking milk are dull of hearing i.e. there is a limit to our understanding.  Why? Because our growth is stunted. Many of us have been born again for some time and by now should be eating the meat of the gospel but are still acting like those in need of milk. I.e. we are still behaving like babies when we should be grown by now.

Are we not tired of being newborn babes in the lord still seeking for milk. As with humans as Reverend said if you see a 5 year old boy still craving for milk alone and not eating solids yet won’t we be alarmed. So why then are we not alarmed that after all this time we are still almost basically on the same or close to the same level we are. It also tells us that by now many of us should be teaching by now, many of us should be PCF Leaders, Cell Leaders, Assistant Cell Leaders and departmental heads but we still remain as mere members acting like spiritual babes who are still in need of more teaching which should not be the case at all.

This situation is like having access to a million naira in our bank accounts but we have been told in order to get access to this money we need to be mature enough. Until we are mature enough we would only have access to N 100,000. If this was the case I am sure we would do whatever is within our power to ensure we become mature enough so that the N1,000,000 that is ours would be given to us.  Why then is the case the reverse spiritually for most people?

We have access to a lot more but are satisfied with much less.  The bible tells us there is a lot more that we need to know,  a lot more that we need to benefit from, a lot more due to us but because we are not ready , because we are still taking milk we are dull of hearing and we cannot have access to it.

In Summary there are two issues that have been pointed out to us right now. First is that God need labourers for the harvest and we are the answers to the super church’s prayer for workers and second is that there is still a lot to benefit from God but we are still babes spiritually unable to eat the meat of the word. The next logical step is thus arriving at the best way to accomplish these two things.

Fortunately that is exactly what the leader’s conference would do for us. To solve the above problems because as workers we would need training and retraining to function effectively in our stated roles and more than that we have been told the only way to grow spiritually is to continually renew our minds with the word and specifically with regards to assuming our positions as leaders in the TSC the special leadership training that is required.

I therefore implore every single one of us in TSC Worldwide to make it a point of duty to make sure we beat whatever odds and make sure we come to the Leaders Conference because the devil would like nothing better than to throw distractions at us no matter how logical these distractions or excuses may be it is important we see them for what they are. MERELY DISTRATCIONS.

So do whatever is necessary, make whatever plans you need to, sow whatever seed you need to and pray fervently that nothing whatsoever prevents you from being at this conference because at the end you would not return the same.